Sunday, May 11, 2008

Forced luxury to Granada

After a week of intolerable Leon heat, and a national transportation
strike with no end in sight, we decided that we needed to escape Leon
(despite liking it very much, it's just TOO hot right now.) Our only
solution was a private shuttle service which runs directly from Leon to
Granada. It was $15 each instead of $3 each, but I must say it was a
nice bit of forced luxury. They picked us up at our hotel and dropped
us where we wanted in Granada, so no lugging heavy packs through 100+
degree heat to/from bus stations. It was air-conditioned (HUGE plus),
and not too crowded. A very pleasurable 2 1/2 hours. We almost wished
the trip took longer. We explored hotels in Granada last night, and had
a few beers outside on the main pedestrian strip, which was very nice.
More later, once we know the city a bit better.

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